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Our report for the HHS focused on garnering membership from an already interested base. Each recommendation emphasizes the importance of targeting the specific audience through tailored internet and social media advertising to classic social techniques. 


We made recommendations while taking into account the limited personnel and resources of a local nonprofit like the HHS. We also noted the HHS communicating they would like to target a younger audience, if possible. 


The main recommendations were to

  • Emphasize the club’s social elements

  • Advertise online using call-to-action tactics

  • Tailor the social media to engage with this audience. 

  • Establish a social media presence targeting your specific audience

Each recommendation is supported by both a survey of local, potentially interested, respondents, and hours of secondary research on academic databases. There is a substantial basis to believe these recommendations should aid the HHS in expanding membership and increasing community engagement.


If you are left with comments, concerns, or questions about this recommendation report, or the overall process more generally, you can contact our instructor, professor Debbie Oesch-Minor via email at

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